- Isn't she a beaut? With real-looking hair extensions galore, who doesn't want to channel this pop star's energy?Netflix/Hancinema
- Porcelain skin, check! A healthy, flawless base is key for building the perfect K-pop look!Hancinema
- Stained lips is another key trend in K-beauty, apart from gradient lips, which we're never getting tired of!Hancinema
- Suzy plays the role so realistically, this photo could actually be a behind-the-scenes look at a real K-pop rehearsal!Hancinema
- One way to look doll-like is to have fringe bangs! They make you look younger, and definitely creates that 'kyeopta' look we love!Hancinema
- We've seen this haircut in newer K-pop girl groups like Newjeans, and we're obsessed!Hancinema
- While colored hair will always be a signature look in K-pop, there's something charming about having jet black hair, too!Netflix/Hancinema
- Placing highlighter in all the right places is key for a popping makeup look. In Suzy's case, her nose is emphasized with a swipe of blinding highlighter!Netflix/Hancinema
- Photo cards will forever be part of a K-pop fan's life! These look so realistic, we want some for ourselves! Netflix
- Strategically-placed blush underneath the eyes is a signature K-pop way of application—it makes one look younger, and gives off a fresh vibe. Netflix/Hancinema
- Even on days off, Doona looks great with just a minimal amount of eyeliner!Hancinema
- Healthy, glowing skin? Sign us up!Hancinema