Metro Best K-Drama Awards: Memorable Beauty Transformations in K-Dramas of 2020
These transformations show character growth and story development with every change in hair color, upgrade in makeup, and more.
In case you didn't know, we at Metro.Style are currently celebrating the best of the best in K-dramas for the year 2020. While it has been quite a surreal year for all of us, we are testament to the fact that K-drama quite literally saved us from boredom while sheltering in place, and has blessed us with a myriad of stories, characters, style statements, wanderlust, and beauty inspiration throughout every scene we've devoured.
Metro Gift Guide: Beauty Picks From The Top K-Dramas of 2020
Part of any memorable drama is the moment of transformation, a change in appearance or demeanor, that takes the storyline to the next level. Among the many K-dramas we've obsessed over this year, there have been quite a few notable transformations in appearance that we can't keep off our minds, as they helped show us character growth, and story development with every change in hair color, upgrade in styling, and more. Scroll through the gallery below to refresh your memory! Warning: there might be spoilers in here, so enter at your own risk!
By Metro.StyleSeptember 08 2024, 7:12 PM