GIFT GUIDE: 70+ Festive Plates, Glasses, And Tableware For Your Holiday Feasts
Are your tables ready for the Noche Buena and Media Noche?
Holidays are about spending time with family and loved ones, celebrating happiness, and sharing the blessings of the year with those around us. But for Pinoys, especially, the holidays are also largely about the food!
Many families approach their Christmas feasts differently. In our household, we have Christmas staples, which have become part of our yearly tradition. For us, salmon and roast pork are never off the Christmas menu. For other families, quezo de bola, noodles for long life, and holiday ham are must-haves. There’s may always be something new, but these classics that have been with us year on and year out are never off the table.
And speaking of Noche Buena and Media Noche feasts, don’t you agree that everything is just so much better when presented properly? With our homes and walls decked in Christmas balls and wreaths, it’s only in theme to also dress our tables appropriately for the celebration. Are you following a white Christmas theme? Or maybe a traditional red and green? Maybe you’re switching it up and going local and native? Make sure your tables are also ready for the party!
Make your holiday feasts so much more special by leveling up your table with these festive and holiday-themed plates, glasses, cutlery, and tableware we’ve curated for you.
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By Metro.StyleSeptember 18 2024, 5:07 PM