#MetroSocietyBestDressedMen – Raymond Gutierrez Resets His Fashion And Shares His Journey Of Self-Rediscovery
Many were amazed when Raymond Gutierrez unveiled his leaner, fitter physique last year. His physical transformation also brought about a style transformation. “Mond,” who used to hide behind three layers of loose clothing, said that he needed to pack away around 16 boxes of his old clothes and start shopping for new pieces when his size and style did a complete 180.
“Now is an exciting time for me to play around with my style. I’m rediscovering what my style is. I had to start from scratch and buy essentials for my wardrobe. I’m enjoying it, because there’s a certain level of maturity. I have a better sense of what my personal style is, so the trends don’t distract me. It’s nice to know and to be informed, but now I want to invest in key pieces that will last a longer time.”
Much has changed with his style and mindset. He’s confident enough to show more skin nowadays, no longer hiding in loose pieces. “I thought that would hide my figure, whereas now I like it to show the frame of my body. Now I give fit more importance, whereas before, I was concerned about whether it was covering the right areas. It’s really now a different way of thinking.”
"Raymond has been making more adventurous fashion choices that showcase the sculpted figure he worked so hard for. Who wouldn't? We love his out-of-the-box ensembles that vary per occasion, all equally best-dressed worthy!" – Kate Paras, fashion editor of Metro titles and editor-in-chief of Metro Weddings
“I grew up wearing black because it was slimming, and that’s one thing I still do up to this day, just because it’s easy. I feel like a black T-shirt and nice black trousers are my go-to uniform," says Mond, who is known for wearing black.
But black is not dominating his wardrobe anymore. Raul Manzano, editor-in-chief of Metro Society and host of Metro Channel show EIC on The Move, says, “From wearing all black, now, he’s not afraid to wear different colors. Raymond has really leveled up his fashion after his transformation.”
Expression, not validation, seems to be Raymond’s take on style. Gone are the days of following trends; now he takes pride in preferring comfortable classics to trends. “I think a lot of us sometimes dress the way we do because we think it’s what others like to see in us. At the end of the day, you shouldn’t care about what others think because it’s really about you. If you feel comfortable in what you're wearing, whatever that is, that will always come through. So for me, don't be afraid to take risks, and always enjoy, always have fun dressing up. Because a lot of people see it as a chore. Make it fun. When you see the results and you see that you look really good, then it's money and time well spent.”
Read the full story of the #MetroSocietyBestDressedMen inside Metro Society magazine's April 2018 issue, available in newsstands and leading bookstores nationwide.
Text by Maita de Jesus | Photographs by Doc Marlon Pecjo | Grooming by Lala Flores | Styling by Dane Barroso, Princess Villones, and Jowi Guzman of styleList inc. | Shot on location at Discovery Primea