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The Truth About Cancer

“What we don’t know, may heal us” is the message that stood out when I first watched Ty Bollingers 9-part series “The Truth About Cancer.” For so long, we were kept in ignorance and fear about the “Big C” by the medical industry but now, thanks to the internet and easy access to information and research, our minds have opened up to a vast world of possibilities and hope.

Science and medicine itself cannot adequately explain what cancer is, what causes it and how it can be successfully treated. The perspective of the medical industry is that it is something to be feared, like an invader that must be vanquished. Anyone that has received a cancer diagnosis is further subjected to a battery of invasive tests, passed on from one specialist to another, presented with a variety of inhumane treatment choices that forces them to make decisions in a cloud of doubt, fear and uncertainty. Conventional medicine views the human body in a limited dimension, a series of physiological functions and anatomical movements not taking into consideration the vital force or “Chi/Qi” or “Prana or the sum total of ones vitality and ability to live happily and healthily in an environment.

We need to shift from an attitude of fearing the cancer and loathing the treatment to a more enlightened outlook in that we can transform this fear to inspiration and heal ourselves physicaly, mentaly, emotionaly and spiritualy more successfully than any dangerous chemical or radioactivity can.

This view is shared by my friend and teacher, Dr. Ivan Piccio, who has spent the last 19 years as classical homeopath and together we decided to screen “The Truth About Cancer” at the Good Seed Café in Kapitolyo, Pasig in order to spread knowledge and power to the people.

For the next 9 weeks, Dr. Ivan will screen an episode and add his commentaries and share best practices based on more than 20 years of treating cancer with homeopathy, diet and supplements. Each week will feature different aspects of the cancer ‘industry’, the politics of cancer research and different alternative treatments and therapies that includes detoxification, nutrition and herbal remedies, enzyme and metabolic/mitochondrial therapies, bio-oxidative therapies as well as healing with sound, light and electricity.

During the launch of the series on May 10, Dr. Ivan spoke briefly about what to expect in the following weeks and how he has managed to incorporate the top 3 protocols he learned (Budwig protocol, Protocel and Cesium Chloride) very succesfully into his practice. He shared first hand experience and showed us feedback from clients that have gone from desperation to hope, from pain to comfort, from illness to health, using little known methods and remedies.

Dr. Piccio shared that cancer, just like any other disease means an imbalance in the body caused by many factors but mainly genetics and toxins affecting us physically and emotionally. So many of us may already have the genetic pre-disposition to express cancer but it is actually epigenetics that can trigger this gene to signal aberrent cells to keep replicating malignantly. This switch can be turned on by stress and trauma (physical, mental or emotional) and coupled with toxins from our food, water, air, medicines, hygiene products as well as electro magnetic and radiation we are now exposed to, can all make for a primordial soup from which the illness grows.

The conventional way of treating cancer is to destroy and poison all the cells in the body, not just the cancer cells. Treatments often leave the person bereft of energy, hair, appetite, will and life. This is a very counterintutive approach as the body needs a healthy immune system to go back to a state of homeostasis and health. For true healing, the body’s vitality needs to be increased and the physical, mental, emotional and spriritual facets of the person need to be balanced. Dr. Piccio maintains a three fold approach to healing people with cancer: apoptosis (spontaneous death) of the cancer cells, detoxification of the body and revitalization of a persons Life Force. This can be achieved through a combination of protocols and treatments discussed in the series.

I have noticed in the course of assisting Dr. Piccio and helping terminal patients dealing with cancer that fear is the single biggest factor on whether a person will manage to overcome cancer and live a full and productive life. People with the attitude of trust and faith in overcoming their fear of death (an inevitability!), the discovery and acceptance of immutable universal truths and a joyful and loving attitude towards the self by using nourishing and life affirming treatments, were more likely to weather this illness and either live successfully with or beat cancer while those in panic and fear often manifested their grim self-fulfilling prophecies.

Whether you are a patient, a caregiver or treating someone with cancer then this series will be a great help in expanding your knowledge and opening up new avenues and concepts in health and healing.

This free series runs every Thursday from May 10 to July 12 from 3.30pm to 6.30pm at The Good Seed Café, #3 Brixton St. Kapitolyo, Pasig. RSVP via 09178474831.


The author is a healer, homeopath, meditation teacher, and nutrition and life coach. She may be reached at