Candelabra Stool - JB x Nazareno/LichaucoKiln Dried Mahogany Wood Hand Carved 2018@aphroliving
Candelabra Stool - JB x Nazareno/LichaucoKiln Dried Mahogany Wood Hand Carved 2018@aphroliving
CSM x Nazareno/Lichauco - Crumpled PorcelainCrumpled PorcelainFine Porcelain Slip Casting 2020@aphroliving
CSM x Nazareno/Lichauco - Crumpled PorcelainFine Porcelain Slip Casting 2020@aphroliving
Zacarias 1925 by Rita Nazareno - Monolith SedonaWicker with leather details Handwoven Wicker 2019@aphroliving
Zacarias 1925 by Rita Nazareno - Monolith SedonaWicker with leather details Handwoven Wicker 2019@aphroliving
E. Murio x Patricia Perez Eustaquio - Irooo Dog HouseRattan and SolihiyaFlame bent rattan and solihiya 2012@aphroliving
Wataru Sakuma for Masaeco - Milan Paper MapMulberry Paper Pulp Drawing 2018@aphroliving
Wataru Sakuma for Masaeco - Milan Paper MapMulberry Paper Pulp Drawing 2018@aphroliving
Industria - Luglug StoolMetal and Rubber RopeMetal Forging and Rubber Rope Weaving 2020@aphroliving
Industria - Luglug StoolMetal and Rubber RopeMetal Forging and Rubber Rope Weaving 2020@aphroliving
E. Murio x Patricia Perez Eustaquio - Irooo Dog HouseRattan and SolihiyaFlame bent rattan and solihiya 2012@aphroliving
Prado x Nazareno/Lichauco - Black Coral Hanging LampGI Wire Handcrafted similar to filigree work 2020@aphroliving
Wataru Sakuma for Masaeco - Milan Paper MapMulberry Paper Pulp Drawing 2018@aphroliving
JB + Nazareno/Guerrero Column Stool - Column StoolKiln Dried Gemelina Wood Hand Carved2018@aphroliving
JB + Nazareno/Guerrero Column Stool - Column StoolKiln Dried Gemelina Wood Hand Carved2018@aphroliving
Nature's Legacy X Josef Whisky Side Table - High Polished Marmorcast Model and Wet Sanded from Grit 24 to Grit 2000 2018@aphroliving