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Trendspotting: A Closer Look At Craft Sodas

A classic drink brings us back to the kind of leisurely, fine living reminiscent of the American South

Mosey down to Georgia, in the deep South, where the heat makes you so lazy that a kind of languor creeps in, and all you want is a sit down, listening to one of those long Southern stories that never seem to end, and a deep draught of an ice cold Georgian drink. Well, we’re not offering you a mint julep or any such cliché because we have something else for you to try. A real Georgian native, an honest-to-goodness American native craft soda. 

Craft sodas are a quiet trend, maybe a decade old in the ‘States, but not too well known here in the Philippines. Over here, soda still has a bad rap, getting the blame for all sorts of health issues from obesity to tooth decay. But craft sodas is an entirely different kind of drink. 

Part of the local food movement, craft sodas are artisanal, made in small batches with natural sweeteners, often with regional ingredients. Like craft beers, they have complex flavor profiles and can open up your mind to new taste experiences. And craft sodas link us back to a time when the pace of life was slower, and people had more leisure to kick back and savor simple pleasures. 


Which takes us back to 1905 when pharmacist Claud A. Hatcher, a true Southern gentleman in Columbus, Georgia, came up with the formula for Royal Crown Cola. He had already created a range of drinks, including a ginger ale, and a series of fruit-flavored sodas. His masterpiece was the Royal Crown Cola, which became popular for its rich flavor and often was served in a branded glass on a wooden tray—a perfect image of Southern fine living. 

This was at a time when soda fountains were springing up like coffee shops. Back then, when you ordered soda at a soda fountain, they would make it on the spot for you with carbonated water and you could ask for additions like sarsaparilla or a bit of orange or cucumber. 

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This sense of nostalgia and Southern authenticity can still be had today with Mr. Hatcher’s cola. The original drink is made with sugar cane, and there’s a sugar-free version with stevia. 

Like craft beer, it’s more upmarket, more refined. And like anything artisanal and made with loving care, it’s not just a drink, it’s an experience.