Can Food Slow Down Aging? A Dietitian Weighs In | ABS-CBN


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Can Food Slow Down Aging? A Dietitian Weighs In

Can Food Slow Down Aging? A Dietitian Weighs In

Kate Paras-Santiago


Updated May 31, 2022 05:57 PM PHT


The quest for the fountain youth seems to never end. On a daily basis, we are exposed to advertisements on new products, treatments, procedures, drinks, workouts, diets, and everything else in between to maintain or promote youthful looks, and this is seen in the anti-aging industry size worldwide. According to Statista, 'In 2020, the global anti-aging market was estimated to be worth about 58.5 billion U.S. dollars. The anti-aging market is estimated to see a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of seven percent between 2021 and 2026.'

I myself admit to being conscious of how aging has affected my appearance (I turn 38 this year), being more observant of the gradual addition of fine lines here and there, which has brought me to wonder—if I am already diligent in doing my skincare routine, and if I practice good sleep hygiene, workout regularly and manage stress levels, what else can I do to naturally slow down the process of aging? The issue of food naturally comes up next. Can my diet help support my well-aging efforts? After getting in touch with Chella Po, New York City-trained US registered dietitian, I'm convinced it can!

Chella Po, New York City-trained US registered dietitian

After training in nutritional biochemistry, medical nutrition therapy, human physiology, food science, food safety, counseling and research, and after a year-long clinical internship at NYU, Chella has returned to the Philippines to help shed light on the importance of nutrition, and hopes to help Filipinos live better lives as they become better informed about the food decisions they make. 'I realized from my upbringing how much nutrition information is still missing here! Using my experience in the US and the newest science, I’m hoping to fill in the gaps to support people’s physical and mental health and wellbeing with food.'

I spoke to Chella and picked her brain about what she thinks of the relation between what we put into our mouths and how we age, what food and practices we can avoid, and what to fill our plates with. Read on and get started on your well-aging nutrition plan!


Metro.Style: How does food relate to aging not just skin-wise but to overall health?

Chella Po: Food is one big part of lifestyle that we can control to support our health. The science shows that our diet has a big effect on our physical AND mental health in the short term and the long term. Many common chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, are linked to poor nutrition and lifestyle. Is your energy good? Is your mood good? Is your mind clear? Is your skin clear? Are you going to the bathroom regularly? If you move and sleep well, stress less, eat nutritious foods, and feel great then you probably don’t have to worry too much about your blood sugar, cholesterol levels, gut health, blood pressure, or hormones. If you can maintain this, then you’ll probably do okay later in life and have good health into your 60s, 70s, 80s, and even 90s and beyond! And that’s another reason why diets don’t work, diets are short term. Learning to eat and live healthily in a way you can maintain forever is what keeps you healthy for years and years.

Many foods, mainly plant foods like fruits and vegetables, are thought to be “anti-aging” because they contain compounds called antioxidants. These compounds repair damage to all our cells from normal life and body processes. Our brain, eyes, most organs, cardiovascular system, and also our skin all benefit from an antioxidant-rich diet. It is also thought to help prevent certain types of cancer. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants prevents too much damage from accumulating over time, and so prevents ageing. Often when your body is doing well on the inside, like getting all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), it shows on the outside too, like when our hair and nails are strong, and when our skin looks glowy. And also, your energy levels are usually better, workouts are better, and sleep and stress levels often improve too when you eat well. And better sleep and stress levels also contribute back to your health. Or having more energy means you can be more active and build more strength. Everything is connected and works together.

When I think of healthy aging, I also think of maintaining your muscles, including the heart. This involves both cardio and resistance exercise in any form that you enjoy (again so you can do it forever). And so you want to eat in a way that supports your energy so you can have fuel to do the exercise, and repair and build muscle. When we diet and eat low calories, and sometimes accidentally low protein, this can lead to muscle breakdown and also a slower metabolism and more tiredness, which doesn’t help you age well!

What we choose to eat can also decrease damage so your body doesn’t have to work as hard to repair damage. A diet high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat, and lots of additives and chemicals can be inflammatory, so then the body is stressed and actively working to reduce stress. We know that stress can be super aging as well!

MS: What foods rapidly age us?

CP: Foods that cause inflammation and stress on the body to process.

  • Regularly eating high sugar, salt, saturated fat from meat, dairy, and oils like palm and coconut (yes coconut is still shown to raise our “bad” cholesterol which is harmful for our heart health)
  • Highly processed food especially meat like sausages, hotdogs, cured and canned meats, packaged food with a lot of additives, preservatives, and chemicals
  • Fast food that is usually high in salt and saturated fat and low in nutrients
  • Charred meat and burned foods, which can be carcinogenic
  • Excessive alcohol, it is a toxin that damages our cells, dehydrates us, not to mention raises our cancer risk. The current recommendation is 1 drink a day for women and 2 for men, although some research show the safest amount of alcohol is really zero
  • Excess caffeine is also dehydrating and can age our skin and also our body.
  • Note there’s a difference between eating sugar and eating a high sugar diet, or eating fat from plants or eating a high fat diet from animal fat. As with anything, it is often the dose that makes the poison. I think eating a little sugar every day is totally fine, and if it helps you have a healthy relationship with sugar, even better!

MS: What are the eating/food practices we must do to reverse aging?

CP: Stay hydrated, especially with water and eat lots of hydrating fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants and reduce damage and inflammation in the body.

  • Eating a wide variety of fresh foods helps us avoid many chemicals and food additives which often aren’t the best. And also, these are nutrient dense so you feel great and maintain healthy organ systems. Focus on what to eat instead of what not to eat!
  • Healthy fats are great for the skin, and often come from vitamin and mineral rich plant sources
  • Choose whole grains and fruits and vegetables as your carbs most of the time, these have a ton of fiber which are great for your blood sugar and gut health, and also give you sustained energy
  • Eat enough, and in the right portions, especially enough protein so your body isn’t breaking down your muscles, and so your hormones stay balanced
  • Reduce high salt, sugar, and saturated fat (like those from meat, dairy, and palm oil).

But depriving yourself won’t work either. Dieting and restriction increases cravings for less nutritious foods so we end up having more of those instead of fruit and vegetables.

MS: What specific food and drink should we stock up on to help us with this?

CP: Hydrate with water as much as possible!

  • Fruits and vegetables – learn many ways to cook and flavor veggies, and add fruit twice a day. Any fruits and veggies that you like will work! About ½ of your meal can be veggies
  • Lean meats, fish, plant proteins that are not too highly processed like tofu and edamame and beans can be ¼ of your meals
  • Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, crackers, and cereals are great choices for the last ¼ of your meal
  • Add a little bit of healthy fats like nuts, seeds, nut butters, avocados, and fatty fish

MS: Are there cooking practices to avoid or do more of?

CP: More grilling (without burning!), baking, roasting, broiling, steaming, and air frying (yay for this trend). Less deep frying.Make foods flavorful! Use herbs and spices to season to reduce salt. Healthy doesn’t mean bland! Healthy is delicious too!Avoid overly salty, sweet, or oily cooking.

MS: Other additional insights you might want to add

CP: Of course health and anti-aging doesn’t come from just one food. Your diet overall is what matters most, especially over the long term. Outside factors matter like sleep, stress (major!), and physical activity matter a lot for health too, and even for your skin. Changing your life all at once is hard! Choose 1 new thing to make a habit at a time. Get good at it. Then add another thing. You have time to build a healthy lifestyle and don’t have to do it all at the same time. Also ask for help when you need it, there’s people like me who want to help and can make it less stressful and more efficient!

Chella Po founded Better Being, a virtual nutrition coaching service. It focuses on 1-on-1 coaching to help clients build a version of health and wellness for the rest of their lives. She coaches about food, listens to challenges, and troubleshoots to build new healthy habits. She also does private and corporate workshops about healthy eating, shopping, prepping, cooking, and wellness.

Readers can book a free 15-minute discovery call with Chella. Get in touch with her via her website, on Instagram, on Facebook, and via e-mail at



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